We offer a variety of content filtering solutions. Our premiere solution is Bascom's Global Chalkboard. Global Chalkboard is a comprehensive curriculum management tool with content filtering and firewall capabilities. Contact us if you would like to schedule a site visit to see this solution at work.
A firewall and content filtering solution is not just a matter of good policy, it is now a required part to ANY network that has an Internet connection. In government this fact is increasingly more important.
We offer a variety of content filtering solutions. We support best of breed hardware/software solutions from manufacturers such as Cisco, Bascom, N2H2, Sonicwall, Websense and Watchguard.

We typically standardize on Symantec/Norton series of antivirus products. Symantec is has done a very good job with their latest Liveupdate software allowing clients to automatically pull down updated definitions with requiring a scheduled event to happen. The end result is your definitions are updated in the background without your knowledge or intervention.
There are several other software publishers that deserve mention as well, and we use/support them on occasion.
Whether you need virus protection on your PCs, servers, e-mail gateways or firewalls, Bayview Custom Communications can help you choose and properly install the right product for your organization.
If you have found yourself in a situation where you have infected files, and need assistance, please do not hesitate to call us. We can have one of our engineers onsite quickly and get your network back up and running.

Whether you have a simple ethernet LAN with two segments both requiring a shared Internet connection, or a complex network with a mixture of topologies spread out across multiple locations, we can simplify the network and gain complete control over your network traffic. We can isolate specific segments,filter certain traffic types, bring up T1 links for data, or even share a T1 with existing TDM type telephone systems. The capabilities are seemingly endless.
Sample of supported technolgies: 56K, T1, T3, ISDN, Frame Relay, DSL BGP, EIGRP, OSPF, RIP Radius, TACACS IPSEC We handle Cisco Systems, 3Com, Nortel Networks, Marconi, Alcatel, Extreme, Foundry and Juniper Networks.
We support all makes and models of switches including Cisco Systems Catalyst, 3Com Corebuilders, Nortel Baystack, Extreme Networks Summit/Black Diamond, Lucent Cajun and many others.
Understanding how your underlying switching design and configuration works is critical to ensuring that your network is performing well. Many times there are speed and/or duplex mismatches on a number of ports bringing the throughput as low as 1Mbps or even less.
We have the ability to use certain manufacturer's layer 2 features to help map out an existing network where documentation is missing or innacurate.
Call us to assist you in the design, deployment and support of managed ethernet switches.

We also offer site-to-site wireless technologies including high-end free air optic links capable of speeds beyond 1 Gbps.
Our leading equipment manufacturers in these areas include Cisco Systems, Alvarion, and Lightpointe.
Wireless technology is progressing in leaps in bounds. Just a few years ago a 3Mbps was considered to be incredibly fast for wireless. We are seeing the incredible proliferation of the current standard of 802.11b everywhere. Many new generation equipment actually offers the best of both worlds by allowing multiple transmitters/receivers. One radio can operate at the 802.11b speed, while a second radio can support newer technologies such as 802.11a or even 802.11g. Speeds are quickly increasing to the point where 54Mbps is quite commonplace in some progressive networks. Usually wireless technology is thought of as microwave technology (i.e. 2.4ghz+), but there are some options to microwave for high speed wireless links.
Free air optics is one of the newest methods of achieving a wireless link without microwave technology. This alternative uses a laser transmitter coupled with a laser receiver. Although distance is strictly limited by environmental factors such as air quality, these devices are implemented where extreme high speed connectivity is required and physical cabling (i.e. fiber) is either cost prohibitive or not feasible.